
This product is designed to promote larger and softer stools and healthy bowel movement frequency; support short chain fatty acid (SCFA) production, providing an energy source for the colon and maintaining healthy colon cell function; provide prebiotic support, promoting beneficial microflora such as lactobacillus and bifidobacteria; maintain healthy gut integrity; minimize the time of exposure of the gastrointestinal tract to toxins; and soothe the gastrointestinal tract by enhancing the gastric mucosa.

Increases stool volume when taken with appropriate amounts of water, supporting larger and softer stools for healthy bowel movements
It helps to collect and eliminate other waste and toxins from the intestinal walls helps to minimize the amount of exposure of the gastrointestinal tract to toxins
Triphala has a long traditional history of use for bowel tonification and consists of various nutritive compounds, including antioxidants, tannins and polyphenols

Medicinal Ingredients: per 1 scoop [8.9 g]: Vitamin C (ascorbyl palmitate) 12.6 mg, Psyllium (Plantago ovata) Husk 4 g, Flax (Linum usitatissimum) Seed 2.25 g, L-Glutamine 1 g, Deglycyrrhizinated licorice (Glycyrrhiza glabra) Root Extract 600 mg (8:1, 4800 mg dried equivalent), Marshmallow (Althaea officinalis) Root Extract 400 mg (4:1, 1600 mg dried equivalent), Slippery elm (Ulmus fulva) Inner bark 200 mg, Chebulic myrobalan (Terminalia chebula) Mature fruit 30 mg, Belleric myrobalan (Terminalia bellirica) Mature fruit 30 mg, Emblic (Emblica officinalis) Fruit 30 mg, Aloe vera Leaf Gel Extract 100 mg (standardised to contain 10% polysaccharides) (180:1, 18 g dried equivalent). Non-Medicinal Ingredients: Stevia rebaudiana leaf.


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